Director-producer Irshad Khan threw a party to celebrate the completion of his upcoming comedy film Hindi Sticker Draw. The whole team was there to be part of this celebration.Leading actors Rajpal Yadav, Rajesh Desai, Narendra Bedi, Singer Mudasir Ali, Co-producer Reshma Khan were spotted at this do. Khan Irshad close friends of the actor Irrfan Khan and filmmaker Tigmanshu Dhulia joined the celebrations held in the Levo, Andheri Hall.
After completion of this match, the team launched the first film appearance in the annual festival Adorea Wilson College on 23 August 2015. Bumper Draw is scheduled to release on October 16.
The trailer for the film was released amid much fanfare at the carnival Cinemas in Andheri on September 14, 2015 were main actors in the film Rajpal Yadav, Zakir Hussain, Rina Charinya, TP Aggarwal, Raj Patel, Reshma Khan and Dinesh Kumar from others
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