Dutch designer Pepe Heykoop has created a series of customized Chanel No. 5 perfume bottles by pouring foam over them.Called Chaneldrip, the project was created for an exhibition earlier this year called 5.5 Icon meets Icons, curated by Al Sabah Art & Design.
I wasn’t quite wrong. Here’s the Urban Outfitters take on the wear your perfume – a small bottle with a necklace. (yes, the bottles come empty, you can fill them. Or not!) The four pieces have a vintage air to them and could make a great jewelry just like that, without taking into consideration (and use) the tiny bottle. I don’t think I’d put my perfume into those, would you? (via, photos urbanoutfitters)
Fuseproject is an award winning Industrial Design Agency based in California. This spacescent perfume bottle is designed for haasprojekt. Very distintive design!
Hamburg designer Alexa Lixfeld has designed a range of perfume bottles with concrete tops.Called Frangrance, the collection includes three different scents, each with a differently-coloured concrete lid.
Not to long ago I wrote about the beautiful perfume bottle agonist made by Sentral Designstudio and Åsa Jungnelius . Since then they have made two more additions to the Agonsit series, and they continue to amaze me with new and different designs on the bottle. With every detail exclusively developed with regard for nature and raw material, AGONIST constitutes an experience larger than a fragrance.
This spirit level, which is also a bottle of perfume, is something an elegant carpenter could never do without.
Each bottle for Humanity Fragrance is hand made in Brooklyn by Alan Iwamura and is made entirely of glass, including a white glass cork. The fragrance is a fundraiser to raise money for a piece of public art, the Humanity Perfume Fountain, to be placed in Brooklyn’s McGolrick park this summer, with 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the perfume going towards its construction.
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